This response isn’t a fair statement. Can you define shilling?
I bought NEO back in summer of 2017, when it was still Antshares at well under $10 per share and little more than a dream and a kick-butt team. It didn’t even release its main net yet. No DApps, Gas wasn’t even generating, and the only wallet available was for Windows OS so all the Mac users at the time including myself had little option but to hold it in exchanges. Antshares was so cheap back then that it took a 1 antshare fee to just transfer out of the exchange.
At that time, I told a bunch of my friends to get Antshares because I believed in the vision, the product, the team, and the community. I guess you could call that shilling, too?
Now I’m doing the same with ICON and COSS because I believe in their vision, community, and team, too. The products are not complete, but that’s the process that even Antshares (now NEO) went through back then. It’s easy to look at the way things are now and point fingers and laugh, but this article isn’t about what I think you should hold if you want to buy things that are over $100. It’s about what I think you should hold if you want to see potential gains in 2018. And I think I’ve made a fair attempt in my reasoning as well.
Also, XMR is not in this list… I think you meant ETH?